Mental Health Awareness




Our society is experiencing a mental health pandemic around anxiety and depression. Social connection is one of the biggest issues to date.



The Facts

  • Members of Generation Z (adults aged 18-22 for the purposes of this study) say they are the loneliest generation and claim to be in worse health than older generations - CIGNA

  • People are being overprescribed drugs to deal with both physical and emotional problems. In a survey released last year of 1,947 American adults, more than 50% said they regularly take prescription medications, according to Consumer Reports.

  • Depression and anxiety in particular are increasing rapidly, with much still clinically under- and undiagnosed. This pattern is persistent around the world. The World Economic Forum estimated that direct and indirect costs of mental health amount to over 4 percent of global GDP, more than the cost of cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory disease combined. - World Economic Forum

  • Experts predict that by 2020 depression will be second only to heart disease as an international health problem. Social isolation has long been known as a key trigger for mental illness, while supportive relationships with friends, family and neighbors are beneficial to the mental health of individuals and the population. - Economic and Social Research Council, Shaping Society



What We Stand For

Within our own SF backyard, we can make a difference through creating a community connected by music and unique experiences. Counter to the “get wasted” bar culture, we are a movement focused on enabling new social connections, providing unique environments sponsored by socially conscious brands, and delivering the best music and sensory experience.



What if I need additional resources for me or a friend?

We’ve compiled a list of recommended options: